* Fix: Internal change related to using multiple bounce domains. * Fix: MX delivery rule would not always throttle globally for all domains matching the rule when using multiple IP addresses. * Fix: Suppression list could become case sensitive after being reloaded. 8/20/2012 * Added Additional exception handling when doing DNS lookups. * Added some additional tweaks and logging to help with debugging. * Fix: Added setting to disabled mailingid grouping for reports. This improves database performance especially when a large number of mailingid's are used. * Fix: Open & Click tracking updated to improve object disposal. Fixes firebird exception error that could occur durring cleanup. 4/24/2012 * Fix: Infinite CName loop in domain could cause recursive lookups. 3/30/2012 * Released 4/24/2012 * Fix: Fixed exception that could occur with 0 length messages. 3/15/2012 * Fix: Fixed objectdisposedexception error that occured when using outbound SSL connections. Releaes 3/13/2012 * Fix: Licensing page in web UI would not always authorize correctly. * Fix: Added performance tweak to DKIM signing. 2/23/2012 Release * Fix: DKIM fix related to empty lines at the end of messages not being trimed before signing. * Fix: Delivery rules that used wildcards for the mask would only match when they were entered using lowercase. 2/3/2012 Release * Fix: SSL/TLS did not work correctly when using pipelining. * Fix: Error related to inbound messages timing out for the client. 2/1/2012 * Fix: Fix feedback loop header issue that was created in 1/26/2012 * Feature: Added the option to only scan X number of bytes in a bounce message to reduce regular expression scan time. * Feature: Added Beta Log Purge feature. * Feature: Added Beta AWS CloudWatch stats reporting. 1/24/2012 * Fix: MTA no longer breaks non-ascii characters that are not encoded when adding header values. 1/11/2012 * Feature: Updated delivery rule page in UI. * Fix: Made changes to prevent a system wide exception in FbCommand.Release() error. * Fix: MessageSize property of the IInboundMessageEnvelope object could throw a null reference exception error. 12/08/2011 * Feature: Added Performance enhancements to lower cpu and locking times. * Feature: Added delivery rule setting to ignore certificate errors when using outbound tls. * Feature: Added NULL character support in messages. 11/01/2011 * Fix: Messages that did not end with a crlf could fail DKIM verification checks. 9/26/2011 * Fix: AddressAddedToSuppression would not always show the correct list id in the log. * Feature: DKIMDomainThenIdentity feature was added to allow a from matching dkim key to override the DKIMIdentity value. Release 9/22/2011 * Fix: Fixed issue where AddressAddedToSuppression log was still being written to when suppression was disabled for the account. 8/30/2011 * Feature: Added setting to disable messageid and mailing id cleaning feature. * Feature: DKIMDomainThenIdentity setting added to allow a fall back DKIM key to be used if the From does not match any of the keys. * Feature: .@domain.com can be used to specify a custom bounce domain in the MAIL FROM command when AdditionalBounceDomains is set. * Feature: Added AdditionalBounceDomains to the account bounces settings. This will allow you to add alternative bounce domains for and account. Can be a * wildcard. 8/22/2011 Release * Fix: Increased wait time when encountering a file locking error sometimes caused by backup processes. * Feature: Added DisableReturnPathRewrite to delivery rule settings to exclude specific domains from having the return path rewritten. 7/11/2011 * Fix: Disabled sending of NDR's to NDR's that fail. * Fix: Invalid CIDR in white list check could cause connections to fail. * Feature: Added AddressAddedToSuppression log file. * Feature: Updated account specific Performance Counters for Regex and DKIM signing. 5/24/2010 * Fix: Improved DKIM relaxed signing performance. 5/5/2011 * Feature: Added addition performance counters for DNS Cache, Domain keys/Dkim, and Regular Expressions. * Fix: Improved sender shutdown checks. * Feature: Improved Bounce/Failure processing that uses regular expression. * Feature: Setting DNS cache time to 0 disables DNS cache system. * Internal: Changed NDR to send through MTA instead of directly sending to recipient. * Internal: Fixed index out of range error that could be caused by message with single period as message body. * Internal: Reduced the number of threads used per account. 1/28/2011 * Feature: Added custom response settings for invalid user, invalid password and relaying denied errors. * Fix: Disabled return path encryption feature. Caused spam filter and statbility issues with the MTA. 1/24/2011 * Feature: Invalid characters used in mailingid and messageid are now automatically replaced with the + sign. * Fix: Crash related to bounce and/or feedback loops with missing MTA embedded data. * Feature: Added ability to add custom SMTP response for accounts that have SMTP disabled. * Feature: Added From, MailingId, and MessageId to suppressed log. * Fix: MaxInjectionMessageSizeKb changed from int to long to support larger messages. 12/28/2010 * Feature: Added new range of auto-reply failure codes for bounce processing. 5000 * Fix: When using a fixed route rule with multiple IP's a connection could use the wrong delivery rule. 11/16/2010 * Fix: Disposed of memory sooner to help with memory consumption durring DKIM signing. 11/02/2010 * Feature: Added option to fail messages on DNS lookup failure. * Feature: Added option to disable DKIM signing at the delivery rule level. * Feature: Added option to disable DKIM signing when a message is over a certain size. * Fix: Reduced bounce processing for all accounts to a single thread to reduce context switching. * Fix: Extra DNS recursion check. * Fix: Removed internal exception pattern for performance reasons. * Fix: Certain inbound system error messages should have been returning 4xx when they were returning 5xx errors. * Fix: Delivery action FAIL would not work when using an account with multiple IP's. * Internal: Added web service call to reload suppression lists. * Fix: The network interfaces are reloaded when the general global settings are reloaded. * Feature: Added ability to disable PTR lookup on inbound messages when adding the received header. 08/30/2010 * Fix: Wrong Hostname may be passed to the HELO/EHLO command when sending on an account with multiple IP's. * Fix: A pickup directory access error would cause the MTA to stop monitoring the directory until the store was restarted now it will keep retrying. 8/16/2010 - Built For Release * Fix: Account creation "no-need to restart" performance increased. * Feature: UI fixes and enhancements added. 08/11/2010 * Feature: Added more descriptive message to inbound SMTP response, when a system error occurs. * Fix: Failed addresses are no longer considered for the suppression list if the failure occurs at the MAIL FROM command. * Fix: Misspelling fixed in Bounce Processed log Bounce type - unkown to unknown. 8/9/2010 * Fix: Fix made that could cause System.NullReferenceException when creating multiple connections to the same MX record under heavy load. Related to changes in 8/4/2010 * Fix: Tweak made to multiple IP usage and throttling algorithms. Related to changes in 7/15/2010 * Fix: Inbound SMTP transaction with suppressed address would still accept the DATA command with no valid recipients specified. * Fix: The tracking plugin event would only get fired for the first plugin enabled. 7/12/2010 * Fix: Multithreaded connection issue when using the custom protocol to inject message. * Fix: Multiple improvements made to IP throttling. * Fix: Account Level Tracking URL when set to an empty string would not disable the feature until it was restart. * Fix: Changes made to make multiple IP usage more random. 6/14/2010 * Fix: Issue that could cause the error "An IS rule prohibits another connection to this domain." to be falsely reported. * Fix: Issue with CIDR format working with whitelists. 6/1/2010 * Fix: Issued relating to "link tracking on multi-recipient messages" feature that would cause corrupt messages. 5/25/2010 * Feature: Added ability to fix bare line feeds in messages. Set FixCRLF=True in the [General] section of general.config to enable. 5/19/2010 * Fix: Another adjustment made to fix the error "An IS rule prohibits another connection to this domain." 5/18/2010 * Fix: Fixed issue related to IP changing that could cause the error "An IS rule prohibits another connection to this domain." 5/12/2010 * Fix: Added more logging for connections with fixed route authentication. * Feature: Code changes made related to adding accounts without having to restart the service. * Feature: Added ability to disable account for outbound messages. * Feature: Added ability to disable account for inbound messages. 5/10/2010 * Feature: Add support for link tracking on multi-recipient messages. * Feature: Changed default bounce processing to use error codes and signatures. * Fix: Added additional logging and better failure recover for certain inbound Store socket issues. * Fix: Added extra check for alternate account IP when a delivery error occurs. 4/21/2010 * Fix: Email address was only passed to tracking plugin for clicks and not opens. 3/26/2010 * Fix: Fixed Bounce Processing NULL Exception that could occur under heavier bounce processing load. * Fix: Fixed FBL suppression exception when Hotmail sent 2 FBL's at the same time. 3/20/2010 * Fix: Limited inbound PTR record lookups when adding received line. * Fix: Removed received header from being signed using DKIM per http://www.dkim.org/specs/rfc4871-dkimbase.html#rfc.section.5.5 2/23/2010 * Feature: Started 64bit alpha support. * Fix: Fixed x-xs header search from being overly aggressive. 2/18/2010 * Fix: Email addresses were not always added to the tracking log. 2/17/2010 * Feature: Added email address to tracking data. * Feature: Updated tracking service to optionally use parameters for links instead of encoded data. * Fix: A Message that was a couple bytes smaller than the allowed message size could get in to the system and identify itself as being corrupt. 2/8/2010 * Fix: RSET command would not close the connection if it failed. This would cause problems with servers that don't support the RSET command. * Fix: Fixed incompatibility problems with certain broken CRAM-MD5 implementations. 1/19/2010 * Fix: Added extra check to flush stats when system is being shut down. * Feature: AddReceivedLine option now allows you to disable reverse lookup by setting it to 2. 1/6/2010 * Fix: Possible shutdown deadlock when performing mx record look up that could cause a shutdown to hang. * Fix: Fixed issues relating to multiple IP's with Tag's and their delivery rules. * Feature: Setting maximum connection for account to -1 will pause sending. * Fix: Fixed force link feature to only change links that start with http. * Fix: Web services were not able to change primary account settings. 12/14/2009 * Fix: Tweak made to fix receiver shutdown issue. * Fix: Added addition information to file locked error message. * Fix: Fixed forced link tracking option to insert new tags at correct position. 12/09/2009 * Fix: Piplining would be used automatically on subsequent connections once one server allowed it. Now checked on each 12/09/2009 * Fix: Piplining would be used automatically on subsequent mx connections once one server allowed it. 12/09/2009 * Feature: added ForceTrackingEnabled setting for account link tracking. * Feature: Updated SMTP, Bounce & Parse components. 12/01/2000 * Fix: Processed Log entry was being left empty instead of having a -. 12/01/2009 * Fix: Tweaks made to improve store startup time. 12/01/2009 * Feature: Added advanced bounce & failure response code classification system. 11/20/2009 * Fix: Added extra check to fix object null exception when rebuilding a store. * Fix: Feedback report error that could occur when upgrading from a beta build. * Fix: Script error in web interface relating to an object null error. 11/19/2009 * Feature: Bounce ForwardTo Setting. * Feature: FBL ForwardTo setting. * Fix: Error creating bounce directory no longer shows when directory is disabled. * Fix: Added additional checks for bad characters in email addresses. * Fix: Feedback loop CopyUnknownTo settings was not being set correctly. * Fix: SSL/TLS would not get initiated on subsequent connections caused by delivery rule throttling. 11/07/09 * Feature: Added Account->DKIMIdentity property for 3rd party signing. * Feature: Added response message to delivery rule alert message. 11/04/09 * Fix: Delivery Rule Throttling with multiple IP's did not always throttle correctly. 10/27/09 * Build for Final Release * Increase Receiver Shutdown Timeout 10/20/09 * Fix: Performance counters could show an invalid value for the inbound connection count when bounce processing was enabled. * Change: Added account ID to domain key load error alert. * Fix: 554 suppression list signature for yahoo was only being used with yahoo.com not yahoo.co.uk etc.. * Fix: Maximum messages per connection delivery rule value for would not always force the connection to close. * Fix: Link tracking changes made in version .812 could result in links not being modified. * Fix: Link tracking anchor tag's with line breaks at certain locations would not get parsed correctly. * Fix: Link tracking would not correctly HTML Decode URL's before redirecting to them. * Fix: Bare linefeeds would sometimes appear in the suppression list reason field. 10/12/09 * Fix: DNS servers changes would not take until the store was restarted. Now this is not necessary. * Feature: Added SHA256 DKIM signing option. Default is SHA1. * Fix: Suppression List could cause relaying denied errors when a multiple recipient messages contained a suppressed address. 10/08/09 * Fix: Not all MD5 suppression hashes were being checked. * Feature: Added suppressioncodes.list file to create custom suppression rules. * Fix: Certain multi-line anchor tags would not get replaced when using link tracking. * Fix: Addresses are now lower case when checked against MD5 suppression lists. * Feature: Added experimental [DeliveryRuleOverride] feature. * Fix: Made suppression list case insensitive. * Feature: Added MD5 support to suppression list. * Feature: UI Update for suppression list features * Fix: Case sensitivity of hstracking tag could cause an error when link tracking is enabled. * Fix: Forced creation of the account bounce directory when the service starts. * Fix: Hit tracking was not backwards compatible with links generated prior to version .803. * Fix: Removed suppression list name from file. * Feature: Added suppression list log file. * Fix: Added headers to new suppression list csv file. * Fix: Changed suppression id to a string type which will match the file name. * Fix: Changed suppression file to conform to rfc4180. * Feature: Added general.config [DNS]->Order setting. Available options Sequential, Roundrobin, Random. Random is the default. * Fix: Using the order by clause would fail when sorting database requests using web services. * Feature: Ability to add Sender header for a specific domain to force domain keys. domainkeys.config []->SenderForcedDomains domain|address] * Feature: Added SecureEhlo setting to remove AUTH LOGIN from EHLO command response. general.config [General]->SecureEhlo. * Feature: Added Suppression List system. * Fix: If an SSL/TLS certificate was invalid an unhandled exception would show in the alerts. * Fix: The system's CPU would spike when submitting messages larger than 10 megabytes. * Feature: Added account redirection based on IP address. Now if you append a "|" symbol and an account number to the ip it will use this account. * Fix: Alert was thrown when using DDR's without protocol logging enabled. * Feature: Added Link Id option for hstracking attribute and linkid options parameter to plugin api. 7/29/2009 * Feature: Added [Other]->PickupDirectory setting to account general.config file. * Fix: Informational NDR's were not being written to the database and would not show up in the bounce report * Feature: Added DestinationUrl to the OnOpenClickTrackingHit plugin event options. Changing this in the plugin with change the redirect. * Feature: Added accept constant for mailboxes. This accepts the mail and keeps its address. * Feature: Updated domain keys so wild cards can be used for the domain. * Feature: Added MSN/Hotmail Junk E-Mail Reporting Program support. * Fix: Stats reporting did not disable correctly. * Log: Added addition error details to GetHostByName Lookup error * Fix: Bounce information category was not being set which resulted with the unknown category being incremented. 6/30/2009 * Fix: Updated the alert message format. * Fix: Service would not start up if all SMTP ports were in use. Now the service starts and then reports an error. * Change: Dynamic Blocking Rule system added. * Change: DBR Logging Added * Change: UI was updated. 6/16/2009 * Feature: Updated bounce delivery rules. * Feature: Added Feedbackloop CopyUnkownTo setting to save only undetected feedback loops. * Feature: Added DDRXEnabled setting value for dynamic delivery rules. * Fix: Feedback loops were only getting parsed if the message contained a return path header. 6/12/2009 * Fix: Grey listed IP may not have always been saved correctly. * Fix: Grey listed IP address is now verified to make sure that it hasn't been removed from the machine before it is used. * Feature: Added stats table for feedback loops. * Fix: Dynamic plug would not invoke DynamicEventId.Init when reloaded. * Fix: Having multiple attribute values with the same name with click/view tracking enable would cause out of memory error. 5/19/2009 * Fix: 552 errors are not treated as permanent failures by default. * Fix: Fixed dynamic delivery rule log values that were invalid. * Fix: Deferred log file was not showing new LocalIp header value. 5/6/2009 * Fix: Certain failure types could result in a NullReferenceException showing in the system log file. 5/5/2009 * Fix: Addressed naming issues with new Dynamic Plugin Interface. * Feature: Added Account->[Failures]->NdrRelayServer setting to force NDR to a relay server. localhost can be used to use the general account. 5/1/2009 * Fix: Cleaned up and documented new Dynamic event plugin interface * Feature: Added log file for dynamic delivery rule processing. * Feature: Added the local IP address to the defer and processed log files. * Fix: Using new Force StartTLS delivery rule would always fail messages with error, "this server does not support it" * Feature: Improves store communication code to reduce the possibility of an extra round trip. * Fix: Certain restrictions that caused a connection to close did not optimize the retry time. * Fix: Certain authentication errors could fail without gracefully closing the socket connection. 3/27/2009 * Fix: Added the connection count to "over the connection limit" error log entry. * Feature: Added delivery rule details logging. * Fix: Multiline responses that occurred during pipelining would only show as a single line in the log file. * Fix: Feedback loop can now work on return path header if available. * Fix: Unload plugin override was not allowing access to member objects. 3/20/2009 * Fix: Feedback loop addresses were being rejected. 3/19/2009 * Feature: Added encoded message id data to outgoing message when feedback loops are enabled to help track return messages. 3/18/2009 * Feature: Added dynamic delivery rule modification by adding macros to the delivery rules. (Beta) * Feature: Added feedback loop processing. (Beta) Must be enabled directly in the config files. * Feature: Added dynamic plugin api that allows callbacks of previously unavailable events * Fix: Fixed problem where a bad bounce address could cause a loop if it had an invalid embedded account. * Fix: Changes made to the monitor service in caused problems on 64bit machines. 3/5/2009 * Fix: Fixed error "duplicate key value" when performing tracking HTML replacements. * Feature: First version of feedback loop parsing. * Fix: Changed license failure alert to show hours when applicable. 2/19/2009 * Feature: Added accounts->General.config->[Other]HeadersToAddAtDelivery settings. Use \r\n for multiple entries. 2/18/2009 * Fix: Startup issues were fixed that could cause store service to hang on reboot. * Fix: Added extra check to release throttle counter. Could possibly cause connection throttle to be lower then what rule states. 2/6/2008 * Fix: Monitor service now waits for process to end before restarting services. Fixes port in use errors. * Fix: Monitor now logs all services that were restarted in a single event. * Feature: Added Tag property to IP address to allow IP's to match specific rules. * Feature: Added Ability to add a tag for a delivery rule which can be matched with an IP Address. * Feature: Added delivery rule Action option that can be set to fail, defer or Normal * Fix: Error loading delivery rule when using 10 minute interval. * Fix: Another issue related to the OnMessageRecived return value processing was fixed. * Fix: Additional fix made to the OnMessageRecived event, which caused 500 errors on good messages. * Fix: OnMessageRecived Callback return value was being ignored. * Fix: Licensing related changes * Fix: Added extra checking for bad DNS alias * Fix: Removed clear cache calls that may have caused db corruption. * Fix: Licensing related changes * Feature: Added improved licensing system. 11/11/08 * Fix: Now delivery timeout type also affects the DNS lookup. This allows you to increase DNS lookup timeouts. * Feature: Added additional logging to record DNS bind. * Fix: Added better recover for errors that could occur during certain connection timeouts 11/10/08 * Feature: Added ability to view Smart Delivery Rules. 11/04/08 * Feature: Added General->[Deferrals]->TryNextServerOnGrey setting to disable next server on defer. 11/04/08 * Fix: Link tracking no longer shows the port number when using port 80. 11/04/08 * Fix: Additional checks added to fix Recursive DNS loop. * Fix: Reloading the Queue page in the console could cause a connection pool timeout error. 10/24/08 * Fix: Specific DNS response could cause loop and excessive DNS lookups. 10/21/08 * Fix: Search & Queue details would not show all entries when the account log directory was not the default directory. * Fix: changes in prior version relating to domain restriction caused a delay in the process ending when the service was shutdown. 10/15/2008 * Feature: Added Account->[other]->UpdateDateAtDelivery setting. Setting to true will update the date header in the message to the server's current time at the time of sending. * Feature: DiagnosticCode value of DSN is passed in to options parameter of OnFail * Feature: Added General->[Bounce]->BounceSignatureBypass option. Disables signature checking and pass body in to option parameter. * Feature: Added General->[other]->TrackingPort * Fix: Search and Queue detail would not work if the log file path was not the default directory. 8/29/2008 * Fix: Made tweak to reduce plugin memory usage. * Fix: Domainkeys now uses header order when creating its signature. Fixes certain gmail issues. 8/28/2008 * Fix: Could not extract sender address error could occur when using domain keys with no from address. * Fix: Web service was not closing all db connections. This could eventually cause a timeout waiting for a connection from the pool. * Fix: Truncated A record DNS responses would fail with, "Index was outside the bounds of the array" error. * Fix: Web service was not closing all db connections. This could eventually cause a timeout waiting for a connection from the pool. * Fix: Bounce informational and Bounce Unknown values were inserted using the others value. * Fix: Added extra checks to insure a memory leak did not occur during DNS failures. * Fix: Added additional checking for null DNS server errors. Now sender will not start without a valid DNS server specified. * Fix: Additional overflow detection added to MX record parsing. * Feature: Added SignatureMatchId option value to OnBounce plugin parameter. To get signature ID of bounce signature that matched bounce. * Fix: Tracking plugins fixed. * Fix: MX based delivery rules were not being matched because the ini file was using "M" as the value and the service was looking for "MX" * Feature: Added ability to specify an account specific tracking URL by adding a setting to the account ini file. * Feature: Added CIDR support for white and black lists. * Fix: IP address parsing was improved. Not only must it contain numbers and periods it must also be formatted correctly. * Fix: Internal Test Licensing features were added. * Fix: Maximum connections per domain were not always being based on the IP address. Appeared in * Fix: Global * delivery would not allow you to specify a maximum connection value. Service fixed, UI still needs updating. * Feature: Added delivery rule name in log file when a maximum connection limit was reached so you know what rule was matched. * Fix: When reaching the maximum connection per a delivery rule the log entry would contain the wrong connection count. * Fix: Remoting was switched to use binary serialization which will improve memory usage and performance when getting stats from the UI. * Fix: If a message was dropped in to the pickup directory that was larger than this maximum message size set in the restrictions an error would occur while trying to read the message form the store. * Feature: Added ability to count messages per connection on attempts instead of only successful delivery’s. * Fix: Modified deliverystatuscode.list file to allow alerts using a third column. * Feature: Added search dashboard * Fix: corrected missing Size header field in bounce log file. * Fix: Corrected header spelling error in the bounce log file. * Fix: Fixes were made to the message throttling code that was added in 730. * Fix: Message could have the message and mailling id swapped when using the tracking features or if the message was modified in an external plugin. This could also affect console load times when using custom message id.* Fix: An issue relating to the connection timeout table memory leak in version was addressed. * Fix: Messages that failed with a socket error while sending the message body could cause the system to create duplicate messages during a rebuild of the store. * Fix: Changed logging buffer sizes to lower values to reduce memory usage. * Feature: Config console now supports a command to clear the queue index for any or all accounts. * Fix: Log viewer now correctly handles the condition when there are no log files for an account. * Feature: Delivery rules now apply to each IP address within an account, instead of applying to the account across all IPs. * Feature: Delivery rules now support a throttle setting which enables you to limit the number of messages delivered over a time period. * Fix: Dns settings were not correctly reloaded when changed in the interface. * Feature: Mailboxes are now evaluated in the order they are listed in the config file. * Fix: An internal table that stores connection details could have cause a memory leak when certain connection failures occurred. * Feature: Added delivery alerts that are triggered by specific mail server responses. * Feature: Mx type delivery rules now allow you to use a fixed route. * Fix: Anonymous account can no longer be disabled through the web console. * Feature: Added support for 8-Bit/Binary messages. * Fix: Added ip check for local address when sending email alerts. A bad IP added to the config file could have stopped alerts from being delivered. * Fix: starting http service could register as an Information type instead of a service start event. * Fix: Unexpected errors may occur when sending to multiple recipients using the pickup directory. * Feature: Added WebService to allow you to programmatically control Hurricane Server. * Feature: Added to Plugin API: LocalIp value to the OnConnect options dictionary collection that contains local Ip of connection. * Feature: Added to Plugin API: BounceStatus value to the OnBounce options dictionary collection that contains the Dsn status value if available. * Fix: When a pipelined command spanned multiple packets a timeout error could cause the domain to get lost. (Added timeout and extra error checks.) * Fix: Hashtables in receiving code was not fully thread safe. May have cause, "Hashtable insert failed. Load factor too high." * Fix: The Rset command would not always clear the recipient list correctly on incoming mail. * Fix: Some shutdown tasks were not waiting the proper time for each task. Could cause shutdown related errors. * Fix: If pipelining server would send \r\n.\r\nQUIT\r\n in same packet the message would appear to time out. * Fix: If extra data was at the end of a message it could not find the end of message mark correctly and appear to timeout in the logs. * Fix: When performing DNS lookups the service was not binding to the account IP. It would use the system default ip instead. * Fix: Changed alerts to include machine name in emails. * Fix: Monitor now correctly runs on 64 bit systems in 32 bit mode. * Fix: Uninstaller could have trouble stopping services because it was deleting a registry key prematurely. * Fix: When sending an NDR and a failure occurred the log was not showing the correct To Address. * Fix: If a message was being picked up from the pickup directory and it was locked an alert would be generated. Now the error is ignored an attempted later. * Fix: The domain.Reset method was not checking for a null value when cleaning up, which could result in an exception alert. * Fix: Addresses that are white-listed will now never get blacklisted. * Fix: Removed filename from memory structure being stored for each file to keep track of all message. Was not being used and just took up memory. * Fix: Fixed LOGIN auth to accept account name in first command as per RFC. * cng: Added extra logging to some socket error, which wound up being cause by double socket close. * Fix: Changed iocompletions to use WSA function instead of file function because they should be faster. * Fix: Socket handle was being closed twice if a timeout error occurred. This caused unexpected results throughout. * Fix: During buffer overrun detect the output was written to the log file. Since the data took up the entire buffer there was no room for ending zero. This could cause error when trying to write the buffer using a string function look for the zero. * Fix: There was no timeout when sending a DNS request. Added timer. * Fix: Found 2 spots in a referenced include file that was not using safe string copies. * Fix: If a message had multiple recipients and a recipient was flagged to be destroyed it would still get added to the destroy list with an invalid domain. * Fix: Improved C++ CComString class. Removed all functions not needed and rewrote the append, clear, and init functions. * Fix: When receive cannot listen on a port it will log the error and continue trying to listen on other ports. * Fix: Changed error message to show Ip and port that could not be listened on. * Feature: Added [Database] section to general config to allow hs to use the database server.